Celebrating my children's birthdays is one of my favorite types of parties.
I'm always so curious to hear what type of party they would like to have, though I sometimes try to guide the theme a little to keep it in the realm that I feel up to. Fortunately it was easy when Little Man chose a blue basketball party! When he turned three, I knew he would know how much effort went into the event. At that age they know and care whether they feel celebrated. We had so much fun with his party, and it certainly was fun!

Healthy Snacks
Party food doesn't have to be unhealthy! You can find things that are fun to eat and healthy for the kiddos.

I don't allow much processed food on a normal basis, so when the kids get fun little pouchies of apple sauce or even a whole grain snack like popcorn, they are pumped.
Packaging is King
It's all about dressing the treats up in a way that make it seem really yummy. Bold stripes are eye-catching and appealing to the little ones who can just peek over the edge of the table.
If we do bring some sugary treats into the mix, I put them well out of reach of the littles whose moms may want to regulate their sugar intake. That's what you see here with the basketball lollipops.
Banner Fun
At some point kids start recognizing their own name, and seeing it in large format print makes them feel like a million bucks. It shows them that this day is all about them and that they are so special. I love making my littles feel special on their birthdays!

Pardon the cake...
We had a total mishap with this poor cake! I don't normally like to bake traditional white, wheat flour cakes because I want to feel good about the kids eating something healthy. I know, I know.... I am that mom! Well this time I tried some VERY alternative flour: mung bean flour! I think it would have been okay, but the flour was actually bad. And I waited until the last second to bake the cake. It was NOT good. I ended up throwing the whole mess away right after the party and I spent the whole time trying to convince people not to have cake. Maybe next time I'll just order a cake from a professional!

So this was our basketball party! We had a fantastic celebration and all the kids enjoyed it. That's what really counts! If you're interested in my sources, I have most items I ordered linked below.
Until next time,